Zombie Strike Blasters

Nerf blasters for the walking dead, the Zombie Strike line is Hasbros answer to the popularity of zombies, whether in the HvZ game or on TV.


Discover the lastest Zombie Strike Blasters now:

Nerf Zombie Strike Flipfury

Nerf Zombie Strike Flipfury

[komper pid=12 category=4] The Nerf Zombie Strike Flipfury is one of the newest Nerf guns available in the Zombie Strike line and it is AWESOME!...

Nerf Zombie Strike Clear Shot

Nerf Zombie Strike Clear Shot

This pistol carries 4 shots at a time and features a top-cocking mechanism that resembles the Stormfire released in 2009.

Nerf Zombie Strike Magnus

Nerf Zombie Strike Magnus

The Nerf Magnus Blaster Joins the Fight Against Zombies The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Magnus Blaster is both a mouthful and also part of Nerf’s...

Nerf Zombie Strike Jolt

Nerf Zombie Strike Jolt

The Nerf Zombie Strike Jolt is originally a part of the N-Strike series released in 2011. This single-fire dart blaster can be primed with one dart...

Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire

Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire

Does your dorm roommate wander around at night sleepwalking as a cast member of the Walking Dead? Wouldn't it be fun to fire some foam his way to...

Nerf Zombie Strike Sidestrike

Nerf Zombie Strike Sidestrike

Sharing the appearance of an energy weapon in post apologetic worlds like Fallout and Mad Max, the Nerf Zombie Strike Sidestrike is a four-shot...

Nerf Zombie Strike Ricochet

Nerf Zombie Strike Ricochet

No one is safe, but you can be prepared. You and your friends will be ready to take on the zombie horde with the Nerf Zombie Strike Ricochet...

Nerf Zombie Strike Doublestrike

Nerf Zombie Strike Doublestrike

There truly is nothing more accurate than a pistol when you are in close quarters. It there is a zombie quickly creeping toward you and you only...

Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow

Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow

When the zombie apocalypse arises, a person can not be more prepared than with the Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow. Great for backyard play or...