Nerf is releasing 5 clear versions of Nerf guns in their N-Strike line. The Raider CS-35 happens to be one of the lucky few.
Featuring everything the standard Raider has, the clear version of it is just a little more to look at.
That’s not to say that the original doesn’t look awesome, because when pictures of it started being released, we dug the blue digital camo on it, but there’s just something about seeing it completely transparent that excites one.[easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default” align=”right” asin=”B003IH0MNW” cloaking=”default” layout=”left” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”126p86-20″]
The clear clip reveals all the darts, and the clear shell lets you to see the internals – it’s all pretty sweet, and I know plenty of people will spend a good chunk of time watching as darts feed into the gun… it’d be hard not too!
This special edition version of the Raider will be sold for a limited time, so come summer 2010 as these limited editions appear, you better act quick, because I can see them selling out fast.
i got a nerf raider for
any awnsers how i can fix it?
Try opening the breech and removing any darts stuck inside…The darts are probably shredding because you’re not cocking the gun properly (make sure you push the pump handle all the way back then all the way forward). It’s easy to jam the gun when shooting in “slam-fire” mode as it’s much easier to not cock the gun properly. If none of that works then it’s probably best to get a replacement if you can as something may have broken inside the gun, or, if you can’t do that, open it up and try to fix it that way.
i sugguest u all get the new transparent nerf n-strike maverick REV-6!!!!!!!!!
im getting a clear raider
hey my brother used my email adress
ok maybe not
he used my email again ARGH!
the raider is company modified the drum is down!
i mean the clear raider!
the clear raider looks like a sack
how much would one of u pay for a clear depoy
what store will the clear raider be available in
i have a clear deploy
my bro has the clear mavric and it is huge
I have one of these! It is the most awesome thing I own. If I had to choose between my iPhone and this Nerf Gun, I would choose the gun, and I’m a girl.
im going to murder all of u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
evadakadavra especialy u vajj; and u kenwen;
Im going to get the clear raider
i bet the gun shoots the same thing like the gun i have!!
should I get the clear raider??? i already have a load of guns ????
EVERYONE BUY THE CLEAR RAIDER!!!! I just bought it yesterday and it is awesome! Sure, it’s a little hard to cock the gun in “slam-fire” mode, but it still shoots really fast after a little practice. Me and my friends had a Nerf war the other day, and I screwed with this thing! BUY IT!!!
P.S. The 35- dart drum can attach to any other Nerf N-strike gun.
P.S.S. The clear one comes with Limited Edition red darts. 😀
this thing is fricken amazing i emptied 2 35 drums in about 1-1.25 minutes almost all darts hit
For me it’s easier to use the raider by taking out the stock. It will give you the capability to slam fire WAY faster and more accurately.
Also, by taking out the stock it will be easier to slam fire while not killing your darts.
I’m getting the raider CS-35 this christmas and I thought I would get the maverick REV-6 and the flip clip refill too so I could use the 35 dart drum for primary assault and then use the flip clip on the raider too as extra ammo and have the maverick clipped to my belt as a secondary weapon it will be awesome in a nerf war!
Oh and the recon is extremely underrated it makes an awesome primary weapon, fires fast and far and is powerful too
I have the raider mo foes
i want a clear raider where can i buy one?
I got one for christmas so whats this “will be sold out in summer” bullcrap? o.O
i like the gun but with the giant clip its easily jammed.
I got this gun when it was released. At that time, I thought that Raider were ONLY released as clear. Anyway…. No Jams in 1 & a half years! Not Once! I think I may be blessed by the Nerf gods!
I like the raider and the recon
i want it for 15$
or more
the raider rules and is my primary