Here you have it, the top ten best Nerf guns for 2008-2009. You’ll find familiars like the Vulcan EBF-25, Longshot CS-6, and the ultra popular Maverick, but the order they are in… well, you’ll just have to see for yourself.
In case you missed a couple here and there in the video, here’s a list of the top 10 best Nerf guns shown above:
- Vulcan EBF-25
- Unity Power System
- Longshot CS-6
- Rapidfire AS-20
- Magstrike
- Firefly REV-8
- Recon CS-6
- Maverick
- Hornet AS-6
- Nite Finder EX-3
Update: See the updated list of favorite blasters.
I think that you need to give the Hornet as-6 some more credit
You should really give the NiteFinder EX-3 some more credit, for what it’s worth, it’s an extremely powerful pistol.
the vulcan is a good gun and I bought one and it broke a little while after I had it so I called hasbro and they said they where out because other people where having similar problems and ordering new ones so they sent me a new one (batteries not included of course) and they said thanks for telling them the problem .so they are coming out with a new vulcan in july and it is suppose to be called the hyper fire or mega fire I forgot and it is suppose to in clude more dart and have a better firing range and it is in a new color scheme
the recons barrel extension actually dampens the range by about twenty feet and you thought those groves in the barrel helped it go farther well you where so wrong because it makes friction in the barrel and is does the same thing with the longshot extension but I would recommend this gun to all you nerfers out there because I myself have a recon and long shot and they are awsome don’t get me wrong but that is why the guns have air restrictors in them so you won’t get your moneys worth like the long shot on youtube this kid took out the air restrictors and the longshot shot thirty foot farther and that all he did so beware you might be getting ripped off
the new yellow longshot is suppose to be improved and go farther but other than that it is yellow because when people put the recon barrel on it it didn’t match and plus when it didn’t match it was tacky
My friend has the firefly and I have the magstrike, but I use it by holding the trigger and pumping. The only thing I don’t like is that it takes forever to gather the darts cause we play zombie tag so you have to reload fast. My friend’s gun used to be terrible. But after you use it for awhile it works GREAT. He is now hitting people from thirty FT. away! You guys should switch the two guns in position.
the power system is a hornet and some large dart shoter i saw a target
give the maverick and firefly more credit. My frieds use the longshot cs 6 recon and even the vulcan. Yet 4 out of 5 times I won. By the way we play every man for thereself.
i don’t know if you guys have this problem but the Magstrike’s air leaks out so fast that i cant use it in fights.
you should definately give the recon WAY more credit! It demolishes the Longshot in range. it is way lighter, it takes kids there entire arm length to hold the longshot, the scope on the longshot is terrible, and the mini shotgun on the longshot goes a couple feet. The recon on the other hand has way better portability and better range and can be a couple different guns. Oh and the Unity Power System is pretty good the bazooka goes like 40 feet. Over all the order in thosesa guns was terrible!
you cant fire the recon as fast as the longshot.
i think it’s becase thay did not do as good a gob on it. the EBF25 should not be in first i would put the Rapidfire AS-20 first.
if anything i think the maverik should be higher up due to it holding the same amount of shots as the longshot and recon and the maverik is soo small and soo quick to fire and when modded it is quick to reload….and the vulcan should not be first one cuz i here it gets stuck easily and if the batterries arent new it doesnt have the same firing rate
Maverick should have been one of the best. Recon, longshot and vulcan should have been some of the worst.
the longshot is not given enough credit is a for sure #2
dude mag strike should get way more credit and so should recon and hornet and long shot and nite finder and the fire fly dude come on!!!!!!!!!
i think the firefly should be way up there because once u mod it (modding is really easy), it should shoot 40+ ft. and aiming is good and easy to hold with the armpitt thingy, and i had the rapid fire, its range isnt that good. and it makes to much noise
1. Raider CS-35 (I know when list was made it wasn’t out but its the best)
2. Vulcan EBF-25
3. Longshot CS-6
4. Rapid Fire 20
5. Magstrike (Although mine broke i expected it to it lasted like 1 year)
6. Unity Power System AKA Titan (With all 3 guns connected its way to big. You can’t run with it)
7. Maverick Rev-6
8. Firefly Rev-8
9. Recon CS-6 (It jams to often to be a elite gun)
10. Big Bad Bow
The Long Shot is by far the best gun. You take that stupid single shot gun off the front and take the pointless scope off the top and it’s highly acurate with fast loading. The extra clip in the back is handy too. It’s head shots all day when you get your aim right.
Is this a modding website or not? These people all suck at grammar. Have you people ever heard of the Supermaxx guns? How about the Crossbow?
Yeah, this site is about nerf guns and mods you can do to them. You can find some mods in the modifications section.
1. raider
2. recon
3. mavrick
4. firefly
5. longshot
6. hornet
7. volcan
8. titan
9. nite finder
10. rapid fire
The little pistol in the unity power system is insane, and the maverick should be in the top three while the Rapid Fire twnety does take FOREVER to load it should be first, and the firefly sucks horribly.
umm… here my opinion
1. Raider
2. Vulcan
3. Firefly
4. Maverick
5. Recon
6. Firefly
7. Hornet
8. Fury fire
9. Strike fire
10. Tie for Nite Finder and Rapid Fire and Magstrike.
here is my opinion:
1. recon
2. furyfire
3. magstrike
4. rapid fire as-20
5. maverick
6. hornet
7. unity power system
8. firefly
9. raider
10. longshot
I put the raider so low because it doesn’t shoot that far and the longshot just sucks
Well, the only good ones on this list were the maverick, recon, and longshot. The other ones either take forever to reload, shoot about 10 feet, or take FOUR FREAKING D-SIZE BATTERIES! If you really want a nerf gun and you can only get one, get the Raider.
And the firefly is a COMPLETE waste of plastic and foam. Don’t get it!
1.Stampede 2.nite finder 3.longshot 4.maverick 5.recon 6.raider 7.Boom! Headshot 8.blah 9.blah 10.blah 99999999.Longstrike SucksC***-6 (shoot 15 ft, jams all of the time, obama wants all guns to be like the longstrike!)
Longstrike SucksC***-6 is a wannabe BuzzBee blaster!(For all thats a bad thing.)
Never buy the Longstrike!!!!
Longstrike sucks the longshot’s D***!
nerf sued buzzbee over a patent for sumthin’ but yeah buzzbee’s are all S***
8.rapid fire
10.unit power system
I would say that the STAMPEDE ECS is AWESOME!! It’s rapid fire, holds 18 darts at a time, is really quick to reload (because of the clips) and also, I like the Barricade RV-10. It fires quickly, has a good range and is smallish.
Here’s my opinion of the nerf blasters I own ….
1. Raider CS-35
2. Longstrike CS-6
3. Firefly Rev-8
4. Deploy CS-6
5. Recon CS-6
Here’s what i think……
2.LongShot CS-6
3.Barricade RV-10
4.Spectre Rev-5
6.Vulcan EBF-25
7.Recon CS-6
8.Maverick REV-6
9.MagStrike AS-10
10.NiteFinder EX-3
1. Vulcun
2. Raider
3. Stampede
4. Maverick Rev 6
5. Unit Power System
6. Recon
7. FireFly
8. Hornet
9. Barricade
10. Longshot
This is wrong. The only time you can really compare two guns is with modding potential, including comfort, capacity, and ROF mods. The list should be more like:
1.longshot cs 6
2. Nitefinder ex-3
3. Magstrike as whatever
4. Rapid fire as 20
5. Maverick rev 6
6. BBB (big bad bow)
7. Recon cs 6
8. Rapid fire cs 35
9. Nerf titan launcher
10. Hornet
My best nerf is the longshot it is way better than the longstrike. the longstrike is just good in looks but performance it is very bad it says it can shoot up to 35 to 40 ft but it only reaches 30ft even by nitefinder shoots farther.
You can’t possibly call the Vulcan the best. Since it weighs 20+ pounds, it’s nearly impossible to use as a full-offensive weapon. Its only role is for defending an area, and there are a lot more useful guns for that: namely, the Raider CS-35.
dudes where is the lonstrike and the raider they should be in the list they are AWESOME
oh i forgot the fury fire and the stampede they rooock
you must mean semperfire Austin smith
could someone tell me which one is better?the barricade or stampede
Get the stampede
You really make it seem really easy together with your presentation but I find this matter to be really something that I feel I would never understand. It sort of feels too complex and very extensive for me. I am looking ahead to your next publish, I will attempt to get the hang of it!
My top 10
4°long shot
5°long strike
10°fury fire
Recon and nite finder are wicked they are great
Pyragon all the way