That Nerf Gun With The Huge Ammo Drum
New for 2009, the Nerf Raider is Hasbro’s newest addition to the N-Strike line of Nerf guns. It looks like a tommy gun, but doesn’t exactly shoot like one. What it does feature however, is an all mechanical (no batteries) operation, 35 round clip, collapsible stock, and two modes of fire.
Hasbro’s Description of This Slam Fire Nerf Gun
“Get ready for the highest dart capacity NERF blaster yet! The NERF N-STRIKE RAIDER RAPID FIRE CS 35 blaster is the next big thing from NERF’s popular N-STRIKE line of dart blasters and features a collapsible stock and new drum magazine that holds 35 darts and is interchangeable with the NERF N-STRIKE RECON CS-6 blaster and NERF N-STRIKE LONGSHOT CS-6 blaster. By holding the trigger and pumping, players can instantly transition between “single” fire and “slam” fire mode, unleashing a rapid stream of 35 darts. Complete with a removable shoulder stock and Tactical Rail System allowing players to customize their blaster for each mission, the NERF N-STRIKE RAIDER RAPID FIRE CS 35 blaster also features a cool “digital camo” pattern unlike any NERF blaster before it. No batteries required.”
A Semi-Auto Pump Action Nerf Gun
So as you can see, the Raider Rapid Fire CS-35 is not fully automatic as you would guess by its looks. The firing modes are either a) pump, then pull the trigger, or b) hold the trigger while pumping, each time the pump arm moves forward a dart will automatically fire. This is called an auto-trigger, which is a feature found on some pump paintball guns and airsoft guns as well.[easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default” align=”right” asin=”B001RBWY14″ cloaking=”default” layout=”left” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”126p86-20″]
The cost for this Nerf gun will be $34.99 and its release date was set for fall of 2009, so it is widely and readily available for Christmas.
Sick but I wish it was just automatic that would be awesome
is the clip compatible with the longshot cs-6 or recon?
Haven’t heard any word on whether it is compatible, however… it would be insanely awesome if it were!
I think it is i went to and looked at pictures of it and i saw the place were you insert it and looks like the top of a standard clip.
Where can we find the semperFire RF-200?
the raider is suppose to be a sort of nerf tompson machine gun note the drum magazine and is said to go over fifty feet and is suppose to have a huge array of thing you can put on the tactical rail like a new light that they are coming out with in a couple of months and it is suppose to be able to be able to attach a strap
the nerf raider is suppose to be able to interchange parts like the recon and it is suppose to come out in the us first and have the biggest magazine ever made if you want a raider early look me up at myspace austin smith I will have them for cheap.
the raider is really nothing more than the shot gun that you make out of the recon and it is suppose to be able to interchange parts like it to
for dustin up top it is compatible with the longshot and recon because it would be a waste of money if it wasn’t and that is why some people want it because it would be a good bullet holder and a good primary weapon
it is semi auto you hold the trigger down and just cock it again and again it is called slam fire and it will run out quicker but at least it was fun using all the bullets.
the semperfire won’t be out till next year because they already have so many coming out it would be weird because all the good guns would come out at the same time and that would be wrong because they have to come up with some new ideas and have some for next year.
also about the semper fire will be at least $80 and will only come with 100 dart because 200 would be to expensive for nerf to make and will be belt fed so it is really just a remake of the vulcan but much bigger and more powerful
by the way for now the semperfire doesn’t exist but trust me it will because it would be a big money maker for nerf and hasbro and will come with streamline darts
well from what I’ve heard and seen about this gun, the nerf n-strike raider cs-35 has a drum mag that IS compatible with the longshot and the recon. this gun will be released apparently in the fall, or possibly July, it works somewhat like a pump shotgun with a handle grip attached to the pump mechanism, and so on. I personally cannot wait to get this!
the gun is going to be the kickoff of nerf for this fall like the semperfire is the kickoff for the beginning of next year and by the way if you want one they are already out in germany just order one online or get someone you know who lives in germany to send you one and by the way I know ever thing there is to know about nerf because the guns that are coming out in four months are all my ideas
about the coming out thing I meant that they look like some of my personal nerf guns that I made myself and I take no credit for the nerf guns coming out they are someone elses ideas not mine and im not a thief
The Semperfire is NOT going to come out, no matter how much you wish it were. The most likely candidate is the Spartan-Nerf recently trademarked the name, as they did with the Raider. However, we may not even see that-It would be difficult to create, and Nerf will probably move on to other ideas instead of wasting time on imaginary guns from their video game.
I have to agree with Dumpis, most of the nerf guns in the Nerf video game are merely concept guns.
go on google and type in semperfire click on the first link you see and it will lead you to go in the search box and type in when will the nerf semperfire come out it will say in 2009 or 2010 then post another comment and tell me what it said but hey that is valid information
the clip IS indeed compatable, just check nerfhaven.
YES, it is completely compatible with the Longshot CS6 and the Recon CS-6
question,how else is the raider compatible
also tipe in New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread – NerfHaven and look at the 11th photo. please tell me what that is.
I belive that the drum magizine is compatible with the ncs spartan if it comes out. [that would be sweet!!] I am a sereios nerfer it’s very fun and stress reliving.
the thing looks great but the mag looks all oblong and hard to carry if it made a smaller mag it would be great
uin13 on youtube already has one of these, he bought it from the guy shooting it in the vid on this page, any and all info about it u can get from him.
whoever just read this page and is wondering whether or not the drum is compatible with the longshot and recon…. YOU ARE AN IDIOT. just read the page and you will find out. i hate people who cant look for an answer themselves. just search it on google, but wait! its on this page! so basically all you have to do is read for a few minutes istead of look at the pretty picture and post a question.
how many ways can u shoot? =)
I just saw a seireies of vids of someone who got the raider early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is really cool!!!!
Where did you see the videos?! Can you put the drum magizine into the longshot or recon? It seems like you should be able to put a CS-6 clip into the raider,but you can never be sure ’till you have it for yourself.
I think all save up a lot of money this summer so I can buy the raider as soon as it comes into stores this fall. Hey if your reading this “The One” how the crap did anybody get their hands on the raider when it hasent even been on T.V. yet!?!
if you want a nerf raider look online for a toy fair and they might have them a friend of mine on youtube called uin13 got on three months early and sold it for $250 if you don’t believe me go on there and check type in uin13 raider
after reading through all of this and doing some reasearch for anyone who is wondering yes the magazines of the longshot cs-6, recon cs-6 and the raider cs-35 are all compatible. through research i believe that the raider cs-35 will be out somewhere around july 15 but dont get ur hopes up!
i believe the spartan ncs-12 and the stampede rev-12 might be coming out as well sometime in the future years to come
I heard that the spartan ncs-12 will be coming out this fall,check it out on wiki answers im not sure about the stampede though….
to add if u go to and look up nerf raider cs-35 or something along of nerf blasters the raider cs-35 will come up but they may be out of stock
ok well the sparatn look sick!!!!! and what is the sempfire i googled it but nothing came up
dude if u want to see wat the spartan looks like just google images it and it should come up
the spartan looks awsome and cant wait to own it
i own varios numbers of nerf guns such as the longshot cs-6,nerf titan as-1,the tommy 20 automatic ,the nerf nite finder the maveric the recon cs-6 and the vulcan
the sempifire will probably not come out the 200 darts in the package alone would be about 60$ it would be to expensive
The sempifire is a 8 barrled blaster that is supposed to hold 200 darts and shoot them all in under 10 seconds
u r all morons ur thinking there letting guns out that arnt realistik and if u want 2 no were 2 get 1 early U NEED 2 READ THE FRIKEN MESSEGES UVE BEEN LOOKING AT U CAN ORDER 1 FRUM GERMANY ……morons
hey bro the sempifire is an 8 barrelded blaster but it is just a remake of the vulcan and they said that it is only said to hold 150 NOT 200
hey i moddified my longshot and now the bolt mechanism wont go back and forth im confused my couisn says that i should just fiddle around with the parts until i get it right but i cant get it right any one got any ideas for me ????
And if someone can tell me mwat it means by the raider has a feature of digital camo … can it do that or are they going to relese it that way ??
hey gladiator do you have any ideas why my longshot isent working
hey willy HOW THE HELL DO U ORDER ONE FROM GERMANY thats wat i want to know
when the gun dosent even exist yet it only exists in the game
it actually does exist if u go to google shop and tupe it in it will come up( the raider cs 35) and when u click on the title of that says the name of the gun the website will come up where u can get it there for 41.95 all together and should receive it in a couple of weeks thats what im doing
yes i know that the raider exists but i was talking about the sempifire
hey arron do you know where i can get a cheap longshot that posts to australia
no im sorry nerf king i havent modded my longshot yet my cousin has though i will ask him and how do you order one from germany? go to willy you are a idiot!
what will it be like modifyed
hey gladiator be careful when you modd your longshot when i tryed to modd mine i stuffed it up and all most broke it so use u tube
hey gladiator the website that you gave us it isent there
ohh and nerfking let me do some research for ya and ill report back soon that shouldnt be too hard but the shipping might cost watch out when they hit u up for that
for nerf king couple of suggestions are eBay,, check up google(meaning google shop)
idk u got to look around, explore!
Type in wiki answers on google and click on first link sorry nerf king
if ya havent figured it out yet i live in australia
Look at the side of it, it looks like small blocks in a camo pattern
GUESS WHAT!!!!!! I know a place to get the raider for 32 bucks and free shipping a place called type in nerf cs6 raider and you can buy it there!I AM THE GREATEST!!!!
Opps lol cs35 raider sorry
hey where it says the raider features a digital camo pattern unlike any nerf gun,do they realese it that ?????
can any one tell me wat it means by the raider has a digital camo pattern
almost perfect all it neads is a fully automatic mode and a real scope
actually Gladiator how u said about it sells the raider cs-35 for 32.99 EUROS which when converted to american dollars is actually like $55!!! thats y it has free delivery and u can only pre-order it
it would be SWEET to put the drum in a cs6 LONGSHOT. does it shoot the SONIC MICRO or STREAMLINE?
Someone hump me please
thanks for the info on this gun its about time somone made a new gun! i love nerf guns have recon and longshot and vulcan and yea more and more. oh by the way the clips are compatible with the recon and longshot nice site btw =-)
shoots streamline darts
you all are dip sticks and need to get alif and some airsofts
dud since when could you do airsoft inside your house. i play airsoft outside nerf inside.
oh and here in the NW we don’t have many good days for airsoft.
are you to much of a bum to go out side? and since when are you allowed to even shoot mods in the house?
ummm idk where airsoft came into play here cuz i thought this thing was about the nerf raider cs-35 and not airsoft and i agree an=bout how u cant use airsoft inside and thats y nerf is here…gosh
ur just all dumbasses
hey david reeves or anyone else if ya dont know im from Australia and wondering if u guys could try to find a cheap longshot in yellow version for me, cause my last longshot is broken and want to get another one that looks twice as better. thanks
Sorry Jack, if you have nothing good to say then don’t say it, nobody asked you to visit this site, and for some reason your still here.
Now your blocked. Permanently.
Have a happy, life.
whoever blocked jack i thank you and to get back to the raider cs 35 i ordered it from some website supposed to get it soon but now they r not sending it til october!!! mif that gives a time region of when this nerf gun will be out!
It’s already out just good look finding a place to buy it
the release date is set for fall 2009. Some sites are allowing you to pre-order them but will not mail them till fall 2009.
There are some auctions on eBay from sellers who were able to get their hands on a couple before the release date. They’ll cost a pretty penny, but you’ll at least have one before everyone else. Here are the auctions.
I Think this gun is the most awesome thing Nerf has ever made. Also, I think you guys all suck because I am a big retard who has nothing better to do than bash other people.
I probably do this because my parents didn’t love me enough as a child.
I agree with General Greivious, you guys stink like rotten cheese, although this gun is awesome!
hey nerfking go to they have a yellow longshot
p.s. do u have toys r us in austrailia
By stink you mean stink so good because rotten cheese is a major delicacy in many countries.
So thanks for the compliment! 🙂 and yeah, the raider is pretty awesome.
hey thanks monkey boy and we d have toys r us in australia
sorry we do have toys r us thanks,nerfking
hey kenobi and general grivous if ya got something bad to say then dont say it because we dont want to hear it ok
Ok I have a raider,it shoots faster thans the Vulcan. It’s really off balance,though. If you live in BC,close to Vernon, there’s possibly 1 left at the walmart. Also,you can use the recon stock on it. And the Spartan and the stampede are coming out in early September, if you’re in Canada. But the raiders definetly worth the money.
But it does shot faster than the vulcan.
I agree the range does suck, nut the clip is probably better on a longshot, also I’m pretty sure you can use the clip on the Spartan when it comes out.
i havent heard much about th spartan or the stampede in the US yet but if its coming out in canada soon that would be sweet!
Yeah, it is REALLY sweet. It’s triple burst and maybe automatic
Well, the Spartan is. The stampede is a pump 2-gauge shotgun
Go soak your head, Nerf King
Yeah. I toataly agree.
dustin it is compatible and im getting mine! 🙂
Can somebody please block kenobi and General Greivous
If you want to see some sweet nerf guns, go to go all the way to the left and click on the far left door
wat r soo sweet about the guns on that site Patty??
i think like the Vulcan it goin to jam up
need to get someone to confirm this, but I’m sure it would jam up if you do not cock it back entirely. This is just an assumption, we really need someone to test this out.
i would if i had the vulcan but to tell the truth yea its cool but its got some down sides
1- it must be the heaviest nerf gun
2- its only powerful when the batteries are brand new
3- its range depends on teh batteries
and 4- and it can be kinda loud
and im still lost on y it has tactical rails on the side of it…to put lasers…..nerfs lasers arent that accurate!
when does the RAIDER RAPID FIRE come out???????????????????
it comes out 9/9/09 i believe just like sooo many others, they have commercial out i believe
From the Artical above “features a collapsible stock and new drum magazine that holds 35 darts and is interchangeable with the NERF N-STRIKE RECON CS-6 blaster and NERF N-STRIKE LONGSHOT CS-6 blaster.” YES it is.
by the looks of it i will give it 10/10
yes this clip is compadable with the longshot a recon also vica versa the clips from longshot and recon it comes out in 6 days aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it neeeeds to be out now also u can buy for $99 also for all the modders the flip clip beats the super clip hands down
Just bought one at Wal-Mart
what really? How much?
I got it at Target for 30 bucks and it came with 100 darts. That gun rules. Way better then the Vulcan and LS.
i haven;t tried this gun out but i;m definatly going to buy this gun!it totally ROCKS MAN!!!:)
how do i fix my cocking part of my nerf raider
it broke? You’ll have to take it apart and see whats going on. If a piece broke then you can epoxy the pieces back together.
For Reed, like any CS nerf gun, yes, it does jam if you don’t pull the handle back all the way. also,for aaron, all those guns are coming out in the next 2-5 years. Even the Semperfire, though that one i think is coming out the last.
Also for Aaron, it doesn’t need batteries, if you read the words annd not looked at the picture.
im not understanding wat u mean by it doesnt mean batteries?? if u mean the vulcon ive heard it does and i know that it only does if u use it in automatic mode cuz i do know there is single shot that is not run off of batteries. and really even the semperfire?!?!?! well if they come out with the new sniper rifle from teh game, not the LS but that other cool one!
new nerf gun cool it could shoot farther and came with a scope
not at 2:47
your stupid if you think this looks like a thompson, this is more of a sterling L2A1 model with a drum. I have this and it does not go 50 feet. Also it tends to jam if pumpeed incorrectly
what retard would buy this for 99 dollars?
someone that can’t find it in a store near them, and really, really, REALLY, wants one 🙂
Hmmmmmm, Sterling or Thompson….

I’ll admit, they both has similarities with the Raider. However, the Thompson has the front grip and the drum magazine, whereas the Sterling does not.
I did not see that, now I realize. Thanks.
so can i mod the RAIDER RAPID FIRE CS-35 blaster to shoot farther.
y would u want to mod the thing?!?!?!?!?!
the 35 round drum is compatible with the cs6 recon and long shot. i am not sure if you can just buy the 35 round drum without the gun or not.
lol. what i ment is i dont own the raider so ive never taken it apart to see whats in side, or if i can mod it to shoot the darts farther and stuff. so is the raider like the old pump nerf guns. does it have a presure tank with a presure release valve.
if u guys can help give me some insit on the gun i would greatful befor i buy it.
ok chris ill give u the lay down!
first off its a friggan amazing gun! i personnaly think better than the vulcon ebf-25
second- it is a pump action shotgun with a foregrip. if u did not know it has two firing modes, slam fire and single shot. slam mode- hold down trigger pump! and single, well use ur imagination!
more a bout the gun itself, its clip holds 35 stream line dart and this clip IS compatible with the longshot and the recon. it has basically the same air restrictor ish like idk wat its called but the air shaft piece on the back of the recon. the stock of this new weapon is pretty beast, it a moveable stock, has four different locking positions……and i think the weirdest part about this gun is that it has digital camoflauge, hard to see but its there……. hope this helps ya out!
thanks bro for your help ill probably go out later and pick one up. thank AARON
recon and long shot
yepp chris any time and i actually got my raider today, i was putting it together, the thing is just bad boss!it finally makes sense y the drum holds so many, its because u can go through 35 rounds soooo quickly!
I’m going to get this gun soon. Looks pretty awesome to me. IF it only had the 3 second shooting feature that the Vulcan has, it would be technically invincible.
Design is also cool. It’s going to make a fine addition to my alpha team…
My alpha team is equipped with two nerf pistols, Hornet, Maverick, soon Longshot, and soon the Raider. I’m also planning to get the Vulcan, and the Firefly.
How old are you guys anyway. You talk like gangsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and my alpha team are always ready to battle. Want a nerf fight? Bring it on.
I also have a nite finder. I’ll kill you in nerf battle in seconds. My team is trained to take cover and knows advatages when fighting on the battle field.
I’ll pin you guys like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General Grevious and Kenobi, Let me saber battle you and demonstrate to you what making fun of Star Wars is. You guys probally suck!!!!!!!!!!!
ok john well u seem pretty confident with that arsenal of urs. just to let u know if we were to ever battle ud be going up against a longshot, a recon, a raider, 2 mavericks, and a buzz bee toy’s western shotgun with some appearance mods, soo i dont think its good to boast if ur planning to get them, cuz i have them and am ready to fight almost anytime as long as i got time to astablish my team of BAMFs
ummmm ok jhon no offense really im just saying but ur aresanol is tiny AND i doubt u have modded any of them if you have my bad but yea just saying 4 guns? soon to be six? thats nothing to brag on you would be massacred against and real big nerfer
ooo and for you ppl asking bout modding i dont have it but i can tell its a single shot per pump gun (obviously) so the same old air restrictor and that crap yea you can do you can probably also do a spring add/replace and if you feel like your a good modder a barrel replacement. hope that helps
Well… It doesn’t matter what gun you have. As long as you are skilled at shooting you will win. It really doesn’t matter. It just depends how skilled you are.
john its just that ur boasting about u have only 4 guns and maybe soon (emphisis on soon) have 2 more
Now, guys. Take it easy on John. I’m sure he doesn’t want to brag. Aaron, I would like to nerf battle you.
and y is that Mario, wats ur arsenal like? and do u mod ur guns?
Fine! I’ll tell you my arsenal! It’s 3 vulcans, 6 mavericks, 1 longshot, 1 recon, 2 fireflys, and 2 raiders.
Mario, I’ll like to battle you!
Fine. But don’t be such a bragger if you win sucker!
Aaron, I saw your arsenal, and it sucks! My BMX Team are REALLY BIG NERFERS!
Hey, Aaron, Do you play water guns? I saw your name on the Isoaker website.
Aaron, Your collection is horrible. My BMX Team has 14 members!
I’ve also modded my guns to shoot 50 feet or longer.
Hey Nick
this guns range sucks balls no wonder in the demo the guy doesnt show how far it goes
Hey Aaron, fight me! Wimp!
no john, i dont fight with water guns, and how old are u mario?? and y would u need 3 vulcans?!?! and 2 raiders? r u like proffesional cuz with 14 ppl, wow
Aaron, I am 13 years old. I need 3 vulcans because machine gun fire usually scares the enemies. I usually give the Raiders to Snipers. The Snipers go someplace high and rapid fire down below.
Also, I have backup weapons that are not on my last nerf list. Just in case we get overrun I have a Rapid Fire AS-20 and a Magstrike AS-10.
Some of my guys hold at least 2 guns.
I also have a Secret Strike, Hornet, and Titan.
I also just bought yesterday, 4 Nite Finders
but y do u need soo many guns, like i hang with 3 other guys, the guns i have r enough just for us, and we dont need guns to intimidate our enimies, they r scared just by looking at us. and itss not the amount of guns that should scare them but ur skills, soo u tell me about ur skills
My skills are good. My team knows what to do. They are use to any terrain. They also have really good aiming. Me, I am the leader. Me and my team also usually dodge the bullets and then return fire.
We also have lightly armed troops. 3 of my people carry at least 2 mavericks.
We also have heavily armed troops. Sometimes a person can carry a vulcan, nitefinder, and a Rapid Fire AS-20.
Okay Johny Wohny! I’ll battle you on Sunday.
Aaron, you only have 3 guys on your team! I have fourteen and they are all skilled in nerf battling. 3 people! Wow! How do you think you can win against a big team of 14 who are really good! You most be pretty good then also.
do u guys actually know each other and where u live cuz if u dont how r u to battle?
Yeah. We sort of know each other.
We used to be childhood friends
Until the day we got new friends and nerf guns. Now are teams are rivals. John has a few people on his team. I have a lot. We battled so many times and the outcome was horrible! It was a tie! You see Aaron, John really does have good dodging and shooting skills. When we just got our first mavericks, he shot a soda can 15 feet away and hit it 9 out of 10 times.
I got 9 out of 10 times also. That is why our teams are rivals. John’s team is really good at the gun. Our team is also really good but John’s team now’s how to fire a nerf gun WHILE dodging. Our team dodges and then fires.
There is a big difference!
But of course I am planning to beat John so bad that he would want to cry!
i would say up above that u shouldnt boast but due to well ur team, gun capacity and skills u have a right to boast. and i think that childhood friends have found each other again. and john that takes mad skill to dodge and shoot hopefully on target
Well Thanks Aaron! Mario, like I said you’re going down!
Tomorrow is the day
all of these guns the stampede the semperfire and the spartan will all come out and to order a semperfire from germany it will cost you at least 50 to 100 bucks for shipping and the gun is heavy trust me I know I know a guy who owns the prototype he said that if they do come out they will be part of a special set kind of like n-strike
Well John, we battle at night really soon. What do you have to say for yourself?
i have a question, who would want the semperfire……like wat does it even shoot, giant balls of foam?!?!?!
Too bad Mario! I just beat you yesterday! MAhahahah!
Liar! I won completely. Okay Aaron who do you believe
i dont know i wasnt there to see the battle. give me some insite on the battle
The battle took place in John’s backyard and house. He upgraded his weapons by buying 2 fireflys and laser beams for his guns. He also stole our longshot and reckon. But we got back up guns. The Magstrike AS-10 and Rapid Fire AS-20. My team was outside, his team was inside. In the beginning nobody fired. But John had a balcony and fired from there. We returned fire. But then, they retreated. Few minutes later I took 7 people of my team inside the house. When we went in, John’s team ambushed us. I fired 6 darts from my Raider. John unleashed six darts out of his Hornet. They collided and nobody got hit. John’s team retreated. I told my teammates to turn on the laser beams of the Nite Finder. When we went up, a close battle happened. My team retreated. We brought back 2 more people from outside and invaded again. John’s team took cover. After we shot darts, They shot the fireflys at us. We decided to use heavy weapons against them. We fired our Magstrike AS-10. John dodged and fired while dodging. My men took cover. We brought out our Vulcans and Fired. John returned fire after he took cover. He fired the stolen Longshot with his teammate who carried the stolen Reckon. We barely dodged it and brought out our Nite Finders. We used our precision laser beams and fired. That’s where things get mixed up.
That’s what you think! My team hit your team first before those nite finders could actually find us!
hmmmm well then as of wat i know its pretty toed i think u should have a rematch except at marios house this time to switch up the landscape
Got IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, lets battle tommorow at my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes u shall do soo and then give me some insight when its done, and it can not be a tie, u get hit ur out along with gun of that person, it is timed, whoever ends with more people still in game win. and mario i believe ur the onie with more ppl, percentage it out like 3/4 out to 4/16. got it……or u can do it ur own way, mibes just a sugestion
Aaron We are battling tonight at Mario’s house! Like Right Now! I’ll give you some insight on it! I also upgraded my weapons again and bought 2 vulcans!
I’m on my way! Got a go Aaron!
Aaron, I am at Mario’s house! I’m using his computer. The battle begins right now! 12:35 in Californian time in the dark!
nice, sounds intense!
The battle was ferocious! We started at Mario’s backyard. My team was outside covered with bushes. His team was inside. I had all of my alpha team and All of his BMX team was present. The Alpha team carried 2 vulcans, 2 fireflys, 1 maverick, 1 nite finder, 1 Hornet, and 2 nerf pistols. Mario’s team carried 3 vulcans, 6 mavericks, 1 longshot, 1 recon, 2 fireflys, 2 raiders plus 1 Magstrike AS-10, 1 Rapid Fire AS-20, 4 laser nite finders, 1 Titan, and 3 hornets. He also had 16 secret strikes. He was rich so we had a forest battle outside.We had a stealth battle inside. Mario’s team started inside. I’ll give you some info of what weapons they carried. Code name: Stealth Killer he was a tough silent guy on Mario’s team. Of course, stealth people were lightly armed. He carried 1 nite finder and 1 maverick. Silent was another stealth dude who carried 1 Secret Strike and 1 Firefly. Code name Invisible was VERY Stealthy and fast. First you don’t see anything then you’re shot. He carried 2 mavericks. Codename: Vanish I hated this guy because first you see him then you don’t. He was another stealth troop that carried 2 nite finders. He also carried a smoke grenade that gave him his vanish ability. Codename: Dodger One of the best stealth troops. He carried 1 nite finder and 2 mavericks. He first dodges the attack then fires. The last stealth troop was Sniper. He usually went to high areas and sniped everyone out. He carried one maverick and 1 firefly. Now time for the heavy hitters. Codename: Blastie His real name was Mario the team leader. He carried 1 vulcan and 1 hornet. Another guy was
Okay we got the point mario!
I was wondering if you’ve found some way to increase the power on the CS-35. I’ve tried to locate the air restrictor, but I’ve had no luck thus far. Any idea how to bump the firepower up?
Pull out air suppressor for a more power nerf gun. Recon … long shot … and raider has the same type of suppressor. Makes a loud popping sound if you are sucessful at removing it. We love the power!!!
Love the vulcan! Love shooting my sister 25 times in about four minutes
Having a fun friday night killing peaple whith my brand new raider.
the raider looks soooo awesome!
hey does anybody want to have a nerf war? I have 1 vulcan, 1 recon, 1 longshot, 4 strikefire, 2 furyfires, 1 nite finder, 1 raider, 1 hornet, 1 maverick, 1 firefly.
how well does the clip work on the CS-6 longshot?
um… pretty well. Not as well as the recon’s but almost as good as the recon’s
wat up
i got the longshot
john stop lieing
were do you live john
you all suck……………… just kiding
hi write back
sombody talk to me now
i live ny
josh you probably suck!
you people are weird
shut up boo
boo you probly suck more
boo are you even on
buzzbee is beter
just kiding buzzbee sucks balls
;] hi
josh I could beat you with a recon in pistol mode easyly
what guns do you have anyway
I could kill you in a nerf war
And the only good buzzbee toy is the shotgun
so shut up and go away
but crack
I have a total of 26 nerf guns loser
which ones though
pr are you lieing
If you could beat me i would eat my own vomit
meaning u would have a chance of one in a million that you could beat me
In your face sucker
want to be friends
2 longshots 6 pistols 5 strike fires 2 raiders 2 vulcans 3 fury fires 3 nite fiders and 3 eagle eyes
boo write back you retard
boo i could kill you with a nerf dart, just the nerf dart
boo you really SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in other words I think the raider is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
boo just go away
NERF ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alot!!
you don’t have that many guns do u
and you could not kill me with a single darn dart
so actually talk when I am online and i will find you and beat you up if you get me angry enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And nerf n
Josh if you don’t respond I am going off
And if we manage to stop calling eachother loser and sucker I won’t mind being your friend
josh,,,,,,,,,, I hate you like I hate it when my recons jam
Get online already
Oh, by the way, I have a guy on my team named Josh. He is in the Stealth Squad. You wouldn’t be the same guy would you? Oh and Josh, if you do know me then you know I’m not lying, and boo stop arguing. Also Josh, I live in CA. Think you can defeat the Storm and Stealth Squad, think again. We already dominated the nerfers in our whole entire neighberhood.
mahahahahahahahahahahahaha! nothing is to much for the Alpha team aka storm, stealth, alpha squad.
and lets get this straight you ain’t no have much as diversity as I do, my bro is getting a titan so you better watch out, I also got a stampede rev 12 and a longstrike. I also got a sempifire, so don’t mess with me. If you’re wondering how I got these guns, my mom works for hasbro.
Hey John long time no see. Okay Josh, My bmx team is big enough to defeat you, I’ll tell you what I have.
5 Rapid Fires AS-20, 5 Vulcans, 4 Longshots, 4 Recons, 10 furyfires, 10 stormfires, 10 strikefires, 5 raiders, 20 mavericks, 5 magstrikes, 3 Titans, 5 fireflys, 20 nite finders, and 10 hornets. Think you can beat that! that is 116 nerf guns. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Also i’ve been collecting nerf since 2003.
i do have that many guns
i will stop calling you names ok
boo how old R U
john u r cool!!
boo i think u r cool to
boo y do hate me
I actually don’t
and i am 18
and thanks for saying i am cool
i just got a job at Hasbro
and they gave me a free stampede gun and i liked it so much i got 9 mor
hey john i bet you suck
how many guns do you have john
and mario it is easy to doge and fire at the same time
so if you think that needs skill u s.u.c.k
the furyfire guns are awsome
i have 10 stampedes 8 recons 10 furyfires 14 hyperfires 8 longshots 25 secret stikes 20 nightfinders 15 maveriks 10 magstrikes 5 rapid fire as-20 guns 2 spartans 8 vulcans 4 raiders 7 fireflys 5 first gen nightfinders 4 unity power systems and a 1 sempifire. that all adds to 156 nerf guns. and i am going to get a couple more recons.
so suck it up mario face
hey josh how old are u
Im 11 LOL
did u change to Boo or ar you some random person
get back to me at 2:30
sorry that is weird it changed my name
actually we can talk around 3:00 OK
I guess so
are u on
I thought u said 3oclock
wat up boo
boo do you like the band disturbed
not really
do like Relient K
I thought u said u could talk at 3:00
i was at school
how noes uin13
what does noes mean
back on track. the CS-35 looks like a USAS-12 or AA-12. somtimes i wish nerf would make somthing like a shotgun.
they did. It is called the Deploy Cs-6 It already came out in stores. Also, if you want a better sniper then the longshot, then they unleashed a new upgraded one called the longstrike. If you want more info go to or nerfhaven and then they shall give you the info you want. The longstrike also is said to shoot farther then the recon. The deploy cs-6 I suggest you don’t by. It’s just a nerf flashlight/shotgun.
I got the longstrike and it shoots the same distance as my recon [not modded] which is about 40 feet flat
guess the longstrike sucks. because if it shoots as far as the recon lol. My longshot shoots longer then my recon so I guess the longshot is better then the longstrike.
your longshot shoots over 40 feet flat?
no olny 35 feet flat
something happened to my raider. for some reason the spring makes my gun shoot but the dart sont come out and when i half-cock it, it seems like it shoots automatically but it dosnt. this is really hard to explain but it breaks easily.
My raider jams a TON, and on the first few comments (310 comments earlier) yes, the drum is compatable with the recon and the longshot, and it will also work with the longstrike and the deploy when they come out.
raider’s sweet just mod the air restriction area inside the gun and it might take much farther distance so you can take out anybody in one of your nerf wars (and yes the raider’s drum mag is compatible with the recon and shot) i own the recon,longshot,raiders,vulcan,double shot,maverick rev,fury fire,and capture the flag *me big nerf arsenal!*
Here’s my idea for a new nerf vest that Nerf should make like a combat vest holds a melee wep on the side, holds 2 primary weps(bassicaly anything not small) on the back,and holds a secondary(anything like a nerf pistol) on the side and have a strap that goes diagnolly across the chest that hold ammo,and clips,and attachments for nerf guns. pretty sweet idea huh? it would be cool if they made it
does anybody know where i can purchase an additional drum magazine for the Nerf N-Strike Raider Rapid Fire CS 35, plz advise.
when my brother got his first cs-35 his had low range and jamming problems; it got on his nerves. one night i had a sleep over and my friends brought over their cs-35 and showed my brother that most cs-35s don’t have jam problems. we were going to buy one of my friends a cs-35 but he had one already so my mom gave it to me. my brother bought another cs-35 and that one didn’t jam. months later my gun had small jam problem. i was so sensitive to the problems that i bought another one.that is how me and my brother together have 4 cs-35s.
oh, and for hybby you can buy it at Target; that is where my friends got them.
I have a PERFECT Raider; no jams no nothing…. Luv it.
sweet jebus, that’s the best 🙂
unlucky guns with jams can really cost u lives if ur playing with hp and lives. im not saying i have a raider with jamming probs.
ah.. if only it fired like a nerf wildfire..pump 50 times shoot 30 darts in 5 seconds.
its cool but slow
if u like fast u should get the magstrike or as20
u can by just da drum on ebay if any1 wants 2 now
O and Sharko there isnt a “or” in magstrike as20
I’ve had this gun for awhile, and BOY it’s awesome!!! Hasbro is an idiot for coming out with the vulcan after they have this!! it shotts faster and doesn’t need batteries!
also, my favorite gun of all time is the recon with no barrel, 35 dart drum, and raider stock. Try it!
This gun never jams 4 me
its rapid fire as20. must uv made a typo
i think i know person
i made a typo person
no u dont no Person, and im getting a raider in a fu months
my brother really wants a raider but has 2 w8 til i get it
austin, y do u have so many comments and sharko 2100, wut is ur real name?
ps my brother used my email adress
im in ig haha
oops IG lol
u should see my comments on da clear raider page there funny
i did
sad 4 ur brother
my brothers friend had 6 red raiders
trying not 2 b a showoff
there is this dude i know who has the raider and it shoots like 5 ft. wen he duz rapid fire
oh and persons brother, i keep my identity secret.
the raider is a great gun also beacuse of the drum acting as a shield
it sucks
Nerf Raider, not a bad gun un modded and with a 35 dart snail gun what else do you need? As for the layout after awhile you notice that the drum mag does make the gun a little heavy to one side.(using a smaller mag the gun is ace to hold with all that rail space)The slamfire takes a while to get used to but it seems consistent in range.
It seldom jams (around once every10-12 cycles) other than that it is a great gun to take to a nerfwar.
bought one on the internet and glad i did gotta wwait a week though
this gun is good if your in a nerf war and you have nothing to do just run in using slam fire and and shoot everywere and I bent it will tack awhile for anyone to get near you
hi sweety I just got home from work
I had a raider and in a nerf war I hid behind a car across a road my friend shot his rapid fire and a car drove past and he hit the car and the car drove away with his bullets
and who copied my ID 5 comments up
Good gun. but it jams for me fairly easily. like once every cycle at least
assasin, same happens with me. ppl copy my id 2
Good gun.
Not just for pray and spray people. Single shot works well for a nerf weapon even stock if you know how to really shoot and pop up ironsights make it an assault weapon to fear. this said, the slam fire lets you put out a whole lotta darts into a cone thats fairly tight with practice, making it useful as a close support weapon as well.
Suggested mods:
Basic: addon barrel with brass, barrel replacement.
Intermediate: remove regulator, improve seals, replace chamber
Advanced: recirpocating rod system, better magazine.
/brag on personal mods
Brass tube barrel mod (internal barrel convesion) gave mine a 55-60 foot range at all temps above 20f. Added a larger pressure chamber and industrial grade tubing with a higher flow rate and less flex, ended up with a range of almost 70ft and less than 6 MoA at 10 meters. Added a reflex fire spring and reciprocating rod system causing it to cock on both the pull and push of the gorilla grip. Painted in digicam. (UCP to match ACUs) Customized 100 round capacity magazine, balanced better than the stock drum (self fabricated).
a noob no dout
Ok, First off all of you would be banned on the Clone Army Builders Guild. Well, most of you. Anyway this gun is one of my favorites. Any time I go into battle, I carry this gun.
If you practice you can get good and I have a lot of free time. Put 2 and 2 together.
the raider is excellent to use in a nerf war. its good for almost all uses: defending, providing covering fire, and, its best use of all…RAIDING of course! it can shoot crazy fast and has a huge drum, so its above and beyond average for close range. it has decent range, so it is good for medium range also. however, it doesnt shoot as far as the alpha trooper, longshot, longstrike, etc. it probably has the shortest range of all of the CS blasters. it comes with a hefty price tag of around $30. make sure u have back-up clips or a sidearm in case if your drum runs out because the drum takes forever to reload. the drum’s see-through window is awesome, because u can see how much ammo u have left in it. overall, the raider is an excellent gun to use in a nerf war!
Sweet gun, huge amo capasaty and it’s an auto matic. Is there anything wrong wrong with this gun.
i’m in love with this gun and i hav yet 2 buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which is better-the Raider or the Alpha trooper????????
i got it, took it apart to mod it, and now i dont know how to put it all back together! i am sad because i like to shoot it and dont know where one of the pieces go.
@TheOnly11YearOldEnglishNERFER – lol it’s pump action not automatic 😛
I purposely got this gun solely for the drum mag. Now my Longshot and Longstrike has 35 ammo instead of 6! XD
Overall great investment!
what ever
you can put in just one dart in with no mag to trick your enemy.
ssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooo cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Has any1 talked about the stampede, its in stores rite now!
I know, I am getting one for christmas!
i like it because alot of the faster shooting guns are modded or require batteries and i don’t know about you but i don’t have an unlimited supply of batteries. Which can be really expensive.
I have friends and when we have wars, i snipe, i know this is mostly a close range combat gun, but i need a backup horribly, i was wondering if this would be a good backup. If you dont think so, what gun would be good for my backup, i also need a gun that is not a sniper, what are some good ideas???
well Jack, i have both, my airsoft is the M4 Carbine and the 12 gauge shotgun, and i would have to say that airsoft is nothing compared to nerf guns, just saying
hi jacob
Haha,the longstrike = crap gun
raider sucks so much i know that it sucks becuase i have it its range is so short even a secret shot shoots farther raider is like nothing compared to alpha trooper raider jams alot in slam firing mode and a little less in single firing. its accuracy ok i have to admitt it is better than recon’s because recon has some spins to the shots so yea raider sucks so much i even wanted to trade it for a secret shot. trust me dont get raider but get alpha trooper instead alpha trooper is basically raider and recon combined ecept better than both of them
is it good for nerf wors
the nerf raider rules
i is goin to fill the coments box wit a’s:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa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It is awesome and 10 times better than the recon and alphatrooper
Awesome!! I might be getting one!!
mine jams
two much
this is my fav 5/5
radar jams two much
Semper fire dosent exist
i think its good my friends got won and ive gootta recon CS-6 and mine keeps jammin and tearing up my darts like a starved dog(ouch)got any tips 2 not make it a starving dog.
would boo, josh and john stop fighting if your on here right now because I’m sick of you two just fighting about who’s going to kill who. Please stop you two pleeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeeee! If you don’t stop, well you guys are just a bunch of retarded spas’s. By the way, hey Justin if your on here right now. School is going great but I really think I should’ve gone to high school with you guys because things are not the same without you guys. Please send me a message now Justin. Anyway seeyah dude.
the raider sucks. i got mine and the first couple shots it was crazy, shoting 30+ feet and it didnt jam. after that it all went bad, eating the bullets and ruining them, and it shots like 10-15 feet D: thats to bad that nerf couldnt do better. tisk tisk tisk
how can you get sights?
Wow this raider is so good to use i want a battle cause i have 19 raiders now 5 mavericks 18 rcons 60 extra clips 65 nite finders 6 vulcans 5 stampede 10 deploys 4 titans 40 rapid fires 60 bariccades and 5 clear raiders. is it coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll?
ill give you a tecnueque when your opponent is far use your raider cs-35 and remove the air stock and it could fire for 35-40 feet
good nerf gun =o
i have found that my nerf raider continually gets jammed not the handle but the bullets i think it has somthing to do with the drum because every time i lod a bullet another pops in as i shoot it either jamming it or making the bullet not fire and at least only just falling out of the barrel so i have reorted to holding and shooting it sidways and it seems to go really well plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good gun. Easy to maneuver, easy to carry and easy to aim. Has a good ammo capacity and the drum magazine can be used as a shield. If u feel like the magazine is too large to sneak by the field, then u can use a Longstrike cs-6 magazine, or even a Stampede’s, since it’s compatible. If u know how to make better use of a high firing speed shotgun, then this gun was made for u, but if u prefer a sniper or a assault rifle, and don’t know how to appreciate other guns’ proprieties, then u don’t have the right of calling it ‘crappy gun’, as some people has said in early comments.
Austin is gay we are in 2012 and no semperfire.
happy new yaer eyeryone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey koz i think you should try to buy new bullets and if it does not work i am sorry to say it is broken
i moded my raider to shoot about 40 feet
i got the first comment of 2012
the raider cs 35 never jams i love it i always win in a battle when i use it.
what i use when i have a battle are 3 raiders 6 tactical vests for 5 players 5 mavs. 5 barricades 3 stampedes 2 vulcan 5 titans 5 magstrikes 6 rapid fires and 3 nite finders
me and my friends play dart tag so can the raider shoot dart tag darts?? this is probably a stupid question but…
I love the raider. but im done buying them. with me (just me) i get ones that are unreliable and because of that they end up breaking. the first one i got worked for a year. then range decreased to 12 feet. then i got another one and that one broke in 3 months. i finally got another one and that one came with range and accuracy problems.
the nerf raider has to many probs it is the worst nerf gun they have came up with so far
There are actually loads of details like that to take into consideration. That is a nice level to carry up. I offer the ideas above as general inspiration but clearly there are questions just like the one you convey up where crucial factor will likely be working in trustworthy good faith. I don?t know if finest practices have emerged round issues like that, however I’m positive that your job is clearly recognized as a good game. Both girls and boys feel the affect of only a second’s pleasure, for the rest of their lives.
Boo, how could i get a job at hasbro (nerf department) in the future? I’d love to work for them!
I am new into the nerf world.though I have little experience in nerf,I have 2 say this nerf gun out beasts my 2 other nerf guns.(longstrike and maverick)
good gun. just make sure you cock it completely both directions to not get caught up. i use this and my recon with the blue pistol (modded)
how much is the raider in indian rupees
Hell yes, a workout at the NERF!!! Good for upper body strength, and kicking your opponents ass by an ambush of foam warfare!!! It will bring you enjoyment. BIGGER GUNS = MORE FUN !!!
This is a fun model to use, just remember not to shake it to much while pumping or IT WILL JAM, and YOU DIE !!!!
I wish they still make these.
Soon you can print your own on a Fabrication Printer (3D Printer)
-CAR Out