A Unique Ball Blaster From Nerf

This Nerf ball blaster has a unique feature, one that probably gave it its name. Every time you pull the cocking arm back to chamber a ballistic ball a whirling noise can be heard. It sounds like a saw, but more specifically, one that spins (go figure, hehe).

Why is the Buzzsaw so Fun to Shoot?

What makes this Nerf gun so great, is that once you pull the cocking arm back enough times a wheel inside the gun will turn, and as long as it is spinning you can pull the trigger without cocking again. This makes the Buzzsaw a great close quarters or support fire Nerf gun, because lets face it, you probably won’t be able to sneak up on anyone because its so loud. The alternative to sneaking however, isn’t that bad. You could always use the noise from the Buzzsaw and its quick-fire advantages to cover your teammates or create a diversion.[easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default” align=”right” asin=”B000LDSM10″ cloaking=”default” layout=”left” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”126p86-20″]

Every Nerf gun has its purpose. The Buzzsaw may be loud, but it will definitely come in handy in those tough situations when you need to cover your teammates and create a distraction.