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Last Updated on December 26, 2022 by Nerf Guns

Welcome to our discussion about the best Nerf Gun attachments! We’ve been fans of Nerf for years, and we can’t wait to show you how much enjoyment you can get out of a Nerf Gun attachment. We’ll show you how to choose some of the best Nerf Gun attachments when you shop and cover what you should focus on when making your purchase.

Nerf Gun Attachments Buying Guide

This area is a place where we can show you how to use and enjoy different Nerf attachments for your blaster. There are over a hundred or so different types of accessories, so picking what attachments you’ll want might feel overwhelming. So, to help out, we’ll cover some of the most important features and discuss some of the top products.

There are a few factors you’ll want to consider before you start shopping for your Nerf attachments. We’ll now cover the features you’ll want to consider when you decide it’s time to add an accessory to your Nerf gun.


If you are buying a real gun, you will likely buy some protective gear such as wall racks, safes (https://gunlawsuits.org/top-picks/best-small-gun-safes/), and Glocks. However, when it comes to nerf guns, there are several attachments that might come in handy. One of them is the scope. Adding a scope (also known as a sight) to your Nerf gun helps to improve accuracy when firing. Nerf gun scopes work much like traditional gun scopes and help provide the shooter with a boost in aim. Most Nerf gun scope attachments are made to be durable and lightweight. Their overall design improves the accuracy of your aim. Having better aim can make your Nerf game more enjoyable. Plus, Nerf scope attachments are typically easy to mount on your toy gun. If you want to improve how you shoot to enjoy hours of fun, then adding a scope might be your answer. You’ll notice an overall improvement in precision and accuracy of your shot with your scope attachment compared to when you do not use your scope attachment. So, if you’re a Nerf fan that’s trying to get better at hitting objects and opponents, adding a scope might be your answer.

Barrel Extensions/Illuminator Barrel

Nerf barrel extensions are fantastic products if you want to shoot your Nerf gun over the long-range. Barrel Extensions and Illuminator Barrels allow for the gun to shoot farther over a longer distance. While that adds a lot of fun to the game and is a very cool accessory, the barrel extensions are only compatible with specific blasters. However, if you can add a barrel extension to your Nerf gun, you’ll get a much longer range with which to shoot. That, of course, makes the game a lot more fun because you’ll be able to more accurately hit objects that are farther away.

Pinpoint Sights

Although pinpoint sights are now discontinued, they are still a fresh product if you can get a hold of them. Pinpoint sights help make the head-to-head competition more enjoyable and make your Nerf gun shoot with a lot more power, precision, and accuracy. You can select rival blasters and pick a side as either Team Red or Team Blue. Sights are adjustable, and also targets through a lens for improved accuracy. Often, a Camlock attaches the sight to your Nerf gun. Three AAA batteries power pinpoint sights and utilize a weak laser and crosshairs to enhance your aiming experience. Much like you’d expect a pinpoint sight on a real gun to work, you’ll get a thin laser to help you aim your Nerf gun when utilizing pinpoint sights.

Battery Packs

If you like to play with your Nerf gun for a long time, then this accessory might offer you what you need. While this addition is more practical than fun when it comes to your Nerf gun, it’ll prevent you from having to stop your play once you run out of battery life. Also, it eliminates the need to use battery after battery in your Nerf blaster. Not having to stop your play and always refill your gun with batteries, in the end, should make the hours you play with your Nerf gun more enjoyable. Battery packs typically come with wall chargers and increase the rate of fire on your Nerf gun. That being said, you’ll get to enjoy hours of entertainment without wasting batteries if you purchase a battery pack.


Shields are great if you want something to block with during gameplay. If you tend to do battle against other opponents that will hurl their own Nerf gun darts and water shots at you, then adding a shield to your Nerf gun is a great idea. Nerf shields block water, darts, missiles, and other projectiles. Another great thing about the use of Nerf shields is that the guards fit comfortably on your blaster. That way, you can build your blaster for every mission with which you partake. With a buffer, you’ll be able to ward off anything headed in your direction with ease.


Clips added to a Nerf gun work as a dart holder. They work like a clip system. If you like to reload fast, then this might be an excellent attachment for you to get. If you tend to often shoot against other opponents, then adding a clip system for reloading quickly would be a beneficial concept. The clips are made of safe materials, and most of them can hold 11 to 12 foam or soft bullets. The clips themselves are comprised of quality ABS plastic. They are made to be anti-shock and durable. Clips attach right to your Nerf gun and allow you to access extra darts when you need them quickly. So, you’ll never have to worry about searching around for your darts if you have a clip. Clips work well if you like to shoot often against opponents, too. They’ll offer you a quick, fast way to reload so that you’ll never be short of Nerf ammunition.

Best Nerf Attachments

Now that you know the categories of Nerf gun accessories that exist on the market today, we’ll take you through some of the most useful accessories we have chosen as Nerf fans and consumers, just like you. Below we’ll guide you through our Nerf must-have accessories so that you can experience your own Nerf game at your best.

1- Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade Kit

If you’re looking for a scope that’s great for the Modulus Blaster and other Modulus system items, then the Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade Kit might be the product for you. This upgrade kit comes with a distance scope and long barrel. It also includes a folding bipod. If you’re looking to increase your accuracy and precision targeting, then you’ll love what this upgrade has to offer.

If you’ve already got a Nerf Modulus blaster and you want to dominate against your opponents, then the Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade Kit offers just that opportunity. The Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade Kit offers a full battle kit with a distance scope that will give you the accuracy you want against your opponents. You’ll rise to the level of a serious Nerf warrior by adding this kit to your Modulus.

The Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade Kit works with blasters that offer standard Nerf accessory points. That means blasters that provide rails on the top and bottom areas and a screw-on barrel. For example, these parts work on the Nerf Modulus, but they also work on the Rapidstrike. The Rapidstrike also has the rails for the scope and bipod and a muzzle attachment area. While the results of your accuracy will depend on the blaster you’ve purchased, you will be able to get more precise shots with this upgrade kit.

This particular version of the Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade kit comes wrapped in brown packaging. With it, you can upgrade your Modulus blaster, which is sold separately from this kit. The Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade Kit includes a distance scope and long-range barrel for precision targeting. Also, you’ll get the folding bipod so that you can shoot with steadiness. The Nerf Modulus Long-Range Upgrade kit is one of many accessories that allow for thousands of combinations with the Modulus system.


● This kit includes a distance scope and long barrel for precision targeting.
● You also get the folding bipod to help make more accurate shots.
● It works great for people that like to fire their Nerf blasters against opponents with precision.


● The scope on this kit doesn’t offer any magnification to increase precision.
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2- Nerf Modulus Strike and Defend Upgrade Kit

The Nerf Modulus Strike and Defend Upgrade Kit, when it first came out, was considered the most anticipated Nerf upgrade around. With this kit, you’ll get a blaster stock, blast shield, two more darts, and instructions. The Blast shield is designed to protect you from darts, water, and other items that might be fired at you. Also, the kit is made to work with any Nerf gun that comes with a tactical rail.

Having a shield can help you win any Nerf battle you find yourself in because you’ll be able to prevent yourself from getting hit. If you’ve already got the Nerf Modulus blaster, which is sold separately, then this kit can help you wage war more successfully. This attachment can make the difference between winning the war and getting hit, So, this kit is perfect for very competitive players

With this kit, you’ll get a blaster stock to steady your aim as well as a blast shield, which is designed to protect you. By upgrading your Nerf Modulus with this kit, you’ll see your Nerf game up to a new level.

The shield attachment in this kit, which is known as the Nerf Modulus Blast Shield, combines with any N-Strike compatible rail. Currently, all Nerf blasters you can purchase on the market today are N-Strike compatible. That means you’ll be able to slide the shield attachment onto your blaster and click it in to please with ease. You can also flip up the shield to protect yourself or fold it down flat so that you can see with clarity for a long distance.

You can keep it compact or flip it up when you need it. What’s careful about the shield is that even when you have it flipped up for protection, you’ll still be able to see through it since it is transparent. That means it’s different than the old Stampede shield you may have used in the past. Also, you’ll find a small window in the buffer that also provides a targeting reticule, which is a super cool feature.

The shoulder stock that comes with this kit is named the Nerf Modulus Blaster Stock. The stock is designed to attach onto any Nerf blaster that features a stock attachment area. So, that means most of the Nerf blasters. It’s effortless to install the stock. You can snap it quickly onto the end of your blaster. Also, there’s a trigger featured on the stock, so the stock works like a combined blaster and stock all in one product.

You get a shoulder stock that has something akin to a Nerf Jolt type of blaster. That means you can pull the handle down to get it ready and then pull the trigger. The stock will fire a single dart from the small barrel that’s found above the attachment point. Depending on what type of Nerf blaster you own, the Blaster Stock can shoot while still attached to the blaster.


● Blaster Stock can shoot while still attached to the blaster
● The Blast Shield is transparent for a clear view even when upright.
● Works with any Nerf gun that has a tactical rail.


● The Blast Shield can get in the way of accurate firing.

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3- Nerf Modulus Stealth Ops Upgrade Kit

If you want to upgrade your modulus blaster easily, then this kit can help you. You’ll get three combined accessories that come at an affordable price. We especially like the Pivot Grip because it provides better stability when you fire. Also, you can add this kit to a variety of Nerf Modulus blasters. Even better, these accessories have a super cool appearance, so you’ll not only perform better when engaging in your Nerf battles, but you’ll also look great while winning the war.

The Modulus blaster itself is sold separately from this kit. The Nerf Modulus Stealth Ops Upgrade Kit brings you three accessories for your covert operations. It comes with a Red Dot Sight and a Proximity Barrel to help make your aim more precise when you engage in warfare. Also, you’ll get the Pivot Grip that provides more excellent stability while you fire.

What’s nice about this kit is that with it, you can wind up feeling like a super cool T1 operator. First, you’ll get the Nerf Modulus Red Dot Sight, which is the successor to the Nerf Elite Pinpoint Sight, a product that was discontinued a long time ago. The Elite Pinpoint Sight and N-Strike PPS were the same product except for the color choices.

On the other hand, the new Modulus Red Dot Sight provides an entirely different, upgraded design. The Red Dot Sight projects a red dot onto a plastic screen, and that helps make your shooting more precise. You can use an on/off switch on the left side when you want to turn the sight on or off. To use the Red Dot Sight, you need two double-A batteries. Also, the Red Dot Sight will attach to any N-Strike tactical rail.

The Nerf Modulus Proximity Barrel is a short attachment that has a super cool appearance. It doesn’t add any barrel drag or drain on the performance of the gun, either. While it performs very well, some people don’t enjoy the fact that the barrel doesn’t provide the nub to lock into the blaster. However, it doesn’t affect the performance of the barrel at all, so it’s not that large of an issue. While the barrel could be made to be larger, it wouldn’t have as beautiful of an appearance if that were true.

The last piece of this kit is the Nerf Modulus Folding Grip. The grip lets you hold your blaster in two different positions. You can either fold out the grip or fold it up and use the grip as a horizontal grip. To change the grip, you press the orange button on the side. After that, you can adjust the grip.


● Folding feature on the Pivot Grip is comfortable.
● Proximity Barrel is easy to use and offers a super cool look.
● The Red Dot Sight looks super cool.
● The Red Dot Sight also allows you to increase the precision of your aim.


● The Nerf Modulus Proximity Barrel lacks nub to attach it to the blaster.
● Folding feature of the Pivot Grip looks strange on some blasters.

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4- Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel

We love how cool the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel is. This cool barrel can convert into a blaster, and it’s such a sweet product. You’ll be able to shoot up to three darts at one time with this accessory. It’s an excellent way to upgrade your mediator blaster. If you’ve got an older air-system blaster, then the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel is a great way to update your product.

With the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel allows people to upgrade their firepower when engaging in Nerf Modulus battles. The Mediator barrel converts into a blaster, so you’ll get a back-up blaster with this accessory that will fire a burst of three darts in total whenever you need the extra firepower.

The pressurized three-dart blast added into the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel converts easily into a blaster. By pumping up your blaster, you press the button on the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel after you’ve primed your blaster. After that, the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel while delivering a triple-dart burst of firing. You’ll get three extra darts along with your purchase of the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel.

If you want other accessories that go along with the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel, then consider other products in the Mediator Series like the Mediator Core and Mediator Stock.


● You get a pressurized 3-dart blast
● Great for extra firepower when you’re in the heat of the moment.


● You do need to pump the product quite a bit to get the darts to fire.

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5- Ghost Ops ChronoBarrel

The Ghost Ops ChronoBarrel uses two AA batteries and comes with six Elite darts. It also features a cool, built-in chronograph. Just like a Magnetospeed v3 which you would use to measure the speed of a bullet from a real gun, this ChronoBarrel tracks how quickly your darts fly through the air. You’ll also get a beautiful, tactical rail located beneath the blaster. The Ghost Ops ChronoBarrel counts darts as you fire them at your opponents. You’ll know the distance your darts are traveling as well as their velocity with this tool.

The Ghost Ops ChronoBarrel helps customize any of the Nerf Modulus systems of blasters. With this upgrade, you’ll be able to keep track of darts as you shoot them off at your opponents. The GhostOps ChronoBarrel will count the darts up or down as you fire them out of your blaster.

All you need to do is select to program the barrel, and you’ll be able to see how many darts you’ve fired at your opponent during your warfare. You’ll also be able to keep count of how many darts are left in the blaster. Plus, even cooler, the GhostOps ChronoBarrel comes with built-in memory. That memory remains track of the last number of darts set in the count-down. So, it’s much easier to keep track of your darts and reload as you see fit with this accessory.

You’ll also be able to measure dart velocity easily with this product. The Ghost Ops ChronoBarrel will tell you how far the darts are shot, so you know where you need to go to look for them once the war is over.


● Counts darts as you fire them.
● Keeps track of how many darts are left in the blaster.
● Measures velocity of darts and range, so it’s easier to find the darts after you fire them.
● Compatible with a wide variety of Nerf Modulus blasters.


● Does not work great with every type of blaster.

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Your Nerf Blaster can become even better when you know how to make the accessories work for you. Since you did your research first before buying, you’ll be happy with your purchase. No matter what blaster you use, remember that safety and fun should both be the number one priority of any Nerf war.
